Tuesday, March 21, 2017

First Day of Spring Sunrise

Here's the sunrise we woke to while camping at the Cheyenne Mountain State Park Glen Raptor camp site loop.

I wonder what it augurs in terms of weather for this Spring, what with such a  warm Winter now ended?

Umarang and I broke camp this morning and returned home once again.  It was a nice little camping break from being at the house.  Work got done, but more importantly, decompressing got done by me.

Sunset on the first day of Spring, not so great....here's a couple of shots of Scarlett with the mediocre sunset we had here on the Colorado Front Range (boosted with the IAN effect using Pixlr.


Andrew Thomson said...

now those are some nice skies!

redlegsrides said...

Thank you Andrew Thomson.

SonjaM said...

Dom, I just love your breakaways. Everybody needs it sometime. (That's why I go walking in the woods... same idea).

redlegsrides said...

Sadly, SonjaM, events at work have not only caused what peace was achieved while away to disappear but now feeling a bit homicidal....

Trobairitz said...

It may not be the best sunset you've seen, but hey, you had sunshine on the first day of spring. That is a win.

redlegsrides said...

Thanks Trobairitz, one must remember to count the positives and not dwell on the negatives too long.